XSAN - Signs of Spring Motif Sampler c. 1845

Cross Stitch Antiques SKU: XSAN-SIGNSPRI


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Model stitched over two on 28 Ct. Vintage Meadow Rue using Au Ver A Soie (or DMC floss 3011, 3012, 817, 900, 727, 898, 3052, 927, 3726, 3341, 3803, 844, 3820, 3013, 315, 433, 760, 3047, 524). Also required, but not listed above #916, #636, #3512, #911, #4646, and #4116 from Au Ver A Soie. Stitch Count: 121W x 148H. Design Size: 8.64" x 10.57"