RWM - Hannah Bacon - S-1000

Rosewood Manor SKU: RWM-S-1000

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This is a reproduction sampler. I found the original in England and fell in love with it. In fact, I did not purchase it the day I saw it, but could not sleep that night, so I decided to go back to the antique shop to buy it! I'm amazed that an 11 year old girl stitched this.

This 28 page booklet includes 4 minis, 4 borders,2 alphabets if you would like to personalize your sampler and 1 mid-size Welcome! Plus there are "Be Creative!" ideas to use

DESIGN SIZE: 286 X 469 stitches

SUGGESTED FABRIC: Weeks Dye Works 40ct Straw

FLOSS: Weeks Dye Works--1 skein unless noted #1101,#1193, #1230, #1239, #1246--2 skeins, #2153, #2197--2 skeins, #2200, #2253--2 skeins, #2259, #3950--2 skeins, #4129. 

CORRECTIONS: there is an incorrect Weeks Dye Works floss # on the first page of the chart---the #1170--should be #1101.

Also, on pages 13,17,18,20 & 23 the floss number is Weeks NOT DMC--sorry that I missed these when laying out the book.