BIMB - ISE-408 - Happy Camper

Bee In My Bonnet SKU: BIMB-ISE-408 Barcode: 602573579480

$9.45 $10.50 Save $1.05

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Get a little lost in the Happy Camper by Lori Holt of Bee in my Bonnet Co. Bring your love of the outdoors indoors with this sweet cross stitch, featuring a little adventurer in her truck, pulling along her furry friend and vintage camper. Rows of happy trees and posies line the forest, ready to be explored and adored. The Happy Camper Cross Stitch pattern comes with full-color instructions, diagrams and supply list, including suggested DMC and AuriFloss colors. It is printed on durable 11Ó x 17Ó cardstock. The cross stitch is designed to work on 25 Count Lugana and finishes at 8.75Ó x 6.75Ó. It is designed to fit in an 8Ó x 10Ó frame. Finished sizes: 10ct Vintage Cloth - 8.5Ó x 11" 14ct Aida - 6Ó x 7.75Ó 25ct Lugana - 6.75Ó x 8.75Ó Stitch count: 84h x 109w Floss colors: DMC 817 or AuriFloss 2270 DMC 3705 or AuriFloss 5002 DMC 760 or AuriFloss 2435 DMC 435 or AuriFloss 2330 DMC 754 or AuriFloss 2420 DMC 743 or AuriFloss 2130 DMC 703 (2 skeins) or AuriFloss 2882 DMC 702 (2 skeins) or AuriFloss 1114 DMC 964 or AuriFloss 5006 DMC 958 or AuriFloss 1148 DMC 535 or AuriFloss 2630 DMC 169 or AuriFloss 2620