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Stoney Creek Collection SKU: SCC-REJOICESFBAN

$6.57 $10.95 Save $4.38

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Stitch count 80w x 404h, approximately 5.75" x 28.75" (14.5 cm x 73.3 cm) when stitched on 14ct. fabric. Our model is stitched on 28ct white Lugana over 2 threads.

DMC colors used include:
 B5200 (2 skeins)  167  208
 209  304 (2 skeins)  310
 321 (1-2 skeins)  322  353
 415  420  437
 471  472  498 (1-2 skeins)
 550  645  646
 666  676  677
 680  729  738
 739  746  754
 762  772  775
 844  948  3325
 3345  3346  3348
 3362  3363  3364
 3371  3713  3755
 3801  3841  3853
 3854  3855  

DMC Color Variations used:
 4020  tropical waters

CREEKS COLOURS hand dyed floss (followed by DMC equivalent) used:
 401  lily pad (DMC 3364)

GLISSENGLOSS Rainbow blending thread used:
 000  bright white
 407  brass
 617  red

The model is displayed on a pair of 6" Stoney French Curl fabric holders . The design is embellished with 130 Mill Hill rich red Antique Seed Beads (03049).