Stitch count is 150w x 109h, approximately 10 3/4" x 7 3/4" on 14ct. fabric. Our model is stitched on 28ct light mocha Cashel linen. The design is embellished with 1 right-faceing flying bluebird button (SB543), 1 large left-faceing dark red bird button (SB008BDLL) and 1 small rose pearl heart (SB107S).
DMC Color Variations used include:
DMC colors used:
310 | 471 | 472 |
598 | 645 | 648 |
676 | 677 | 712 |
738 | 739 | 746 |
747 | 844 | 926 |
927 | 928 | 3011 |
3012 | 3013 | 3072 |
3371 | 3713 | 3721 |
3811 | 3853 | 3854 |
3857 | 3865 |
DMC Color Variations used include:
4000 | espresso |
WEEKS DYE WORKS hand over dyed thread (followed by DMC equivalent) used include:
1086 | icicle (DMC B5200) |
GLISSENGLOSS Rainbow blending thread used include:
000 | bright white |
Product title
$19.99 | $24.99
Product title
$19.99 | $24.99
Product title
$19.99 | $24.99
Product title