SCC - Good Friends

Stoney Creek Collection SKU: SCC-GOODFRIENDS

$5.37 $8.95 Save $3.58

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Stitch count is 150w x 109h, approximately 10 3/4" x 7 3/4" on 14ct. fabric. Our model is stitched on 28ct light mocha Cashel linen. The design is embellished with 1 right-faceing flying bluebird button (SB543), 1 large left-faceing dark red bird button (SB008BDLL) and 1 small rose pearl heart (SB107S).

DMC colors used:
 310  471  472
 598  645  648
 676  677  712
 738  739  746
 747  844  926
 927  928  3011
 3012  3013  3072
 3371  3713  3721
 3811  3853  3854
 3857  3865  

DMC Color Variations used include:
 4000  espresso                  

WEEKS DYE WORKS hand over dyed thread (followed by DMC equivalent) used include:
 1086  icicle (DMC B5200)

GLISSENGLOSS Rainbow blending thread used include:
 000  bright white