SCC - Hedgehogs In The Snow

Stoney Creek Collection SKU: SCC-HEDGEHOGS

$5.37 $8.95 Save $3.58

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Stitch count is 91w x 63h, design size is approximately 6 1/2" x 4 1/2" on 14ct. fabric. Our model is stitched on 28ct natural/silver linen. The design is embellished with 1 medium sized smokey green heart (Item#SB006SGM) and 2 small white glitter snowflake buttons 
(Item #SB080WGS). 

DMC colors used:
 B5200  433  434
 435  437  704
 712  738  739
 818  938  3347
 3362  3371  

CLASSIC COLORWORKS hand dyed floss (followed by DMC equivalant) used include:
 CCT-120       blue beadboard (3753)                       

GLISSENGLOSS Rainbow blending thread used include:
  000  bright whit